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Damn it’s cold outside! How do I do a fast yet safe wash and protect?

“Grime, salt, rain, hail and snow are going to do their best to kill your car's shine. With Gtechniq, winter care is fast, effective and efficient.”

Our top tips...

Throughout the winter months washing your car can feel like a chore, However with the right products this is made quick and easy.

We recommend using W5 Citrus All Purpose Cleaner neat as a pre wash, spraying this to the dirty areas on the vehicle. This will make removing heavy road grime from the surface of the car quick and easy. This product should be followed by a Ceramic Gwash wash using 2 cap fulls to 20 litres of cold water, which will add a layer of protection to the vehicle.

Once the car is completely washed we would recommend Drying the car with a MF4. For and added layer of protection you can apply a layer of C2 Ceramic Sealant. This can be applied as a drying aid or to dry clean paint.

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